In preparation for the election, it is helpful to use the Wahl-O-Mat. This tool provides an overview of the different positions of the parties and how they fit my point of view. If no party wins the majority in the election, an alliance partner is sought that has similar goals. This is also the case after the recent election in Saxony.
With a view to the forthcoming coalition negotiations, I have answered the questions in the Wahl-O-Mat to match precisely with one of the parties represented in the new parliament of Saxony. The result of the evaluation is a measure of the agreement between the parties. The evaluation for all parties currently represented is shown in the graph above. The highest agreement after the Wahl-O-Mat with 88.2 % has the Die Linke with the Greens, the smallest Die Linke with the Afd with only 9.2 %. Exploratory talks between the CDU and SPD are currently underway, which have a 51.3 % agreement. Also, between the CDU and the Greens, to be able to win a majority. According to Wahl-O-Mat, these two parties only agree to 35.5 %, whereas the SPD and the Greens are relatively close to each other, with 73.7 %.
As Yuval Noah Harari explains in his book “A Brief History of Humankind”, we need a myth. For the upcoming challenges, I consider the peaceful togetherness more appropriate than the belief in economic growth. Listening to the other person and respecting their opinion and being aware of their point of view is an important part of peaceful coexistence. But it is key to use your own opinion to shape our cooperation well and healthy. This is not an easy task for our politicians in Saxony, but solutions to complex issues have already been found many times in Saxony.